Personal Branding Skills

per delegate (price includes VAT / Refreshments / Lunch and Personal Workbook) - limited to 12 delegates


December 27, 2023 - 8:30 am


December 27, 2023 - 1:30 pm

One Day
8.30am until 1.30pm
CPD Points
5.5 CPD Points


Acquiring this transferable business skill will give you the ability to always:

  • Take advantage of the best practice guidelines to design your personal brand 
  • Define your specific expertise so that you can use it to define your personal brand 
  • Identify your mission statement and goals in order to express yourself with your brand 
  • Formulate your branding strategy in line with your goals and mission statement 
  • Design your personal pitch and brand in line with your goals and branding strategy 
  • Use a number of proven strategies to market your personal brand and publicise yourself

Why Attend

What is an image? Why some people seem to have a persona and a grand reputation that makes you be in owe of them before you have even met them? How does image relate to a person’s success?

Today, with the breath-taking advances in information technology, we are more connected than ever before. There is also a lot more competition and people all over the planet are competing with one another to provide products and services. In such a competitive world of work, what comes to define a person’s output is their brand. Much like branding being a crucial part of a company’s marketing strategy, personal branding is just as important to anyone operating in any market.

Many come to think of personal branding as something for the self-employed or those working in the creative industry such as actors, singers or musicians. In reality, personal branding is essential for everyone. To get better results and succeed, you need to be able to popularise your ideas and become well-known. Personal branding can help you build your image and spread your ideas.

Who should attend

Senior and Mid Associates

Training Venue

Five Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LG